
What makes your heart sing


Again we are navigating a world upheaval and many people are complaining about feeling drained.

Dear human

Please turn off the TV

Reduce the people you speak to ( I mean being brutal) if they are taxing your energy then you need to set a strong boundary.

You are going to have to choose YOU

because if you don’t you will collapse under the changes that are coming because the biggest commodity on this planet is your energy. but this is fueled by your mind so it is imperative to keep a lid on that which you are consuming.

This may feel hard but chose your peace and your battles wisely. Don’t choose your peace as a buffer but as a nourishing activity. The only way you can do this is to take time out. Make plans for your life in a serious way and not a wishy-washy way be specific and dream big.

Choose the right support and the right people or ecosystem.

Be prepared to lose people along the way, this may feel strong but it will clear your energy field and allow you to have a living practice and space to allow your heart to sing and not be heavy

Even during challenging times, your heart will still sing because it is clear, clear with purpose and from this place you can serve.

Journal Question: In the silence of your peace what makes your heart sing?

If you want more support during this time then book a discovery call to see how I can help you and your creative practice or business. create the correct lifestyle you deserve.

Introduction to Aromatherapy Week 3 - Lesson 3 : Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil and Back Massage

Holistic Book Club - Essential oils, pain relief and a great waistline.

7 minute read. .

I was recently sent three books by Eddison Books on Health and Wellbeing. Now I am a bit of s sceptic because as a Holistic therapist and Former College tutor the books we read were quite detailed clinical type books. Suffice to say it was nearly 20 years ago so I suspect the sophistication of the reader has risen to meet our upgraded HD retinas.

Essential Oils You Can’t Do Without: The Best Aromatherapy Oils for Health, Home and Beauty and How to Use Them by Daniele Festy

The Ketogenic & Hypotoxic Diet: Lose Weight and Improve Health with This Low-Carb, High-Fat, Anti-Inflammatory Plan by Olivia Charlet

Natural Painkillers: Relieve Pain with Natural Remedies and Exercises by Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrel


Natural Painkillers: Relieve Pain with Natural Remedies and Exercises by Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrelcan came at the right time because I recently experienced a bad back after another Bereavement (if you have listened to my podcast or read my blog on Grief  then you will know how common it is to experience physical ailments after the death of a loved one). The book is jam-packed with various complementary techniques to use such as Acupressure points to help with pain relief,  Healthy foods to help reduce inflammation and also a good range of Homeopathic and Aromatherapy remedies and recipes to assist you with any complementary programme.

Safety note: For any physical ailment one should always consult their GP or Complementary Health Practitioner ( I consulted my Osteopath for my back).


Essential Oils You Can’t Do Without: The Best Aromatherapy Oils for Health, Home and Beauty and How to Use Them by Daniele Festy

When I was asked to review this book I thought it would be just another aromatherapy book with great pics, but I was wrong, it is a great book and great as a reference guide.   This easy to use book is full of information that will help you create some great skincare and wellness blends. 6 Essential Oils You Can't Do Without has great references on all the important data that will allow you to start your essential oil journey. Even for existing Aromatherapists and students alike, this book visually clean and informative, for the novice, it will also be a great companion to creating a Healing home because it has over 300 recipes for the home, skin and body. So for my clients and students alike, I will definitely recommend this lovely book.

The Ketogenic & Hypotoxic Diet: Lose Weight and Improve Health with This Low-Carb, High-Fat, Anti-Inflammatory Plan by Olivia Charlet

I found this book really interesting and again timely because I have spent the winter hibernating and now I am back at the Gym and on the mat.   The Ketogenic & Hypo toxic Diet again was a very informative read. The book breaks down the “Keto” diet which is a diet

Low in carbohydrates and rich in good fats, the ketogenic diet offers the perfect solution to healthy eating for optimum well-being. But in order to be truly beneficial to our health, it should also be hypotoxic (gluten- and dairy-free, with only moderate amounts of organic animal protein). 

The Keto diet says No, to sugar, most fruits or white carbs and Pulses so some Vegans may find this a problem if they eat a lot of cooked Chickpeas or Lentils,(there are options for the sprouted pulses)

As a gluten intolerant Pescatarian  I find pulses hard to digest, even with Seaweed added and soaking,  and the Gluten-free food often leaves me bloated so trying this out has helped reduce the bloating.

The book is clearly written and easy to follow, but for me, my favourite part of the book is the recipes.   Although different I found some of the foods choices similar to the Paleo diet, however, the Keto is about changing macronutrients to start a natural fat burning process. (correct me if I am wrong) and the Paleo is about eliminating dairy, grains and processed foods. Both diets are good for Auto Immune, Weight loss and Gluten intolerance. As for the weight loss, I am only on day 1 so I will let you know if I follow this for 5 days.  I will definitely add this book to the reading list of my self paced course the 30/30 Wellness programme.and now that is a bonus. All books are available for all outlets such as Amazon and Foyles.

How to create a healing home


My home was a rainbow house when I first moved in because I was working on all Chakras simultaneously.

As I dug deeper into self-actualisation, my home became more neutral and the canvas became my healing landscape. I really believe that your home reflects your ‘ Human’ condition at it’s level of evolution.  What do you mean Marilyn?

Well, your home reflects your mental and emotional situation..

We have all seen the TV series Horders and also the new show by Marie Kondo reiterates this point change your home through clearing clutter then you change your life. Changing your decor, colour, or adding an accent wall or cushions can transform any, also the use of candles, incense and crystals can make a home feel calm and tranquil . I have listed 5 tools you can use consciously to change your environment to support yourself.

1 . Space clearing / Clutter Clearing

Self explanatory, but clearing old clothes, magazines or books creates space for new things to come into your life. Holding onto outdated clothes or shoes can create a sense of heaviness. Check out Marie Kondo’s show on Youtube or Netflix.

2. Air Purifiers

Fresh air by opening our windows, by opening our windows we are letting go of the energy we processed the day or night before. Fresh air creates more fluidity in your home this is really important if you are suffering from Depression and anxiety.

Air purifiers are also great for allergy sufferers, damp environments as well as dust mites in rooms

Other natural purifiers
Sage. Palo Santo or Sweetgrass - Ok I am not rewriting the wheel as this is very basic, but Sage is good to use very quickly to purify a space, and these scents are very good for clearing the atmosphere.

Essential Oils - Lavender /  Frankincense / Juniper - Does what Sage et al does

Rose/ Ylang Ylang/ Jasmine - To create that mood for romance or self-love.

Lemongrass / Peppermint- To stimulate that mind for study, conversation or concentration.

3. Artwork

Purchase artwork from independent artists or create your own check out Pinterest or join my list for my creative workshops. you can see past events here .

Artwork that reflects the things your love or the mood you want to capture is an affirmation of who you are, so choosing artwork will create an atmosphere of calm or positivity.

4. An altar

Please check my post on Altars creating a space for you to meditate, honour your family or ancestor.

An altar is like a portal between you and spirit and all your wishes can be placed on your altar. You can have one in every room.

5. Natural Products
Limiting the use of plastic in your home reduces environmental waste and is also more beneficial for your health as plastic can leech harmful chemicals . Wooden bowls, paper straws and china cups also add to the clean healing element to your home. Save old jars and bottles for storage and to hold fruit juices and smoothies.

Try to have more natural fibres where possible and replace synthetic items with more natural materials slowly as this can be expensive to do at once. I am slowly replacing some of my soft furnishings with more natural products where possible.

For cleaning try using essential oils, vinegar and soda crystals to have a cost effective cleaning product (please check my future posts on Natural cleaning products).

Want to change your life then take my Free Creative Healing Life coaching course.

Let me know what you do to create your healing home.


Recommended book by Marie condo

Air Purifier


Happy International Women’s day !!!

For more information about this day click here on the International Women’s Day website. I will also have an exhibition in Forest Gate East London

As an appreciation for all the women who work hard I want you to Tag a Beautiful women or business here..

Healing family patterns Part 2


My favourite film at the moment is  Nappily Ever After where the lead character was living a life based upon her mother’s expectations of how to look in the corporate world, which consisted of very straightened hair and a token spouse.  Eventually, the lead character breaks away from her familial constraints and work pressures to find the love she deserves and with the hair style she wants ie a Bald head (god forbid).   Is the problem of not being or looking good enough for your family or parents fiction?  No, this happens more often than not (especially in the black community). Family demands and expectation rule our lives consciously or unconsciously and are one of the main reasons many of us are suffering from Mental health conditions more than ever before.

The problem or ‘hold’ of family patterns is that they are entrenched deeply in guilt, and we may be conscious or unconscious of this.  Many of the places where we are challenged as human beings are around the relationships that have affected our childhood.


From a young age many of were and are Empaths, however within our families we were often seen as too sensitive, we cannot blame our families for this title because they were either too busy and untrained in emotional literacy to even consider another person's needs and understand the condition of being an empath.

This does not help us though, does it?

The impact of our parent’s childhood is also embedded in our consciousness and we are still trying to work through that many years later.

Our mothers did not have time to journal, reflect and read a book that would give them insight into their suppressed rage, instead they had to shut up and keep the family together because “women did not speak their mind” In the meantime, the sensitive children internalises the rage and bitterness and anger, and cue the conditions that reflect no sweetness in life or heatbreak such as High blood pressure and Diabetes.

Reflection mjfontaine 2018

Reflection mjfontaine 2018

We deserve better but not to be bitter, we deserve healing, we also deserve boundaries to protect ourselves.

We have to do the work to heal the family patterns that are affecting your life, that is attracting Narcissists and abusive relationships or any kind be the peaceful and brave warrior you were chosen to heal this dynamic for a reason.

How to start Healing.

Start Therapy

Despite the stigma in the black community around mental health, deep rooted family issues cannot be resolved through reading books or social media alone so this is at the top of the healing tree. One needs to enlist a trained profession to help untangle the complex family patterns, beliefs and behaviours that are present in our lives.

Other tools to help you research the type of support you need.

  • Read a book about Toxic families such as Dr Christiane Northrup’s book Dodging Energy Vampires and Family Matters by Robin Skynner

  • Listen to a Podcast - You can look up keywords on Itunes such as Family systems or Family therapy.

  • Reiki healing with distance symbols

  • Jade Egg / Yoni egg exercises to help heal any sexuality issues (best worked in conjunction with any other Therapy).

Want to know more ? Sign up here to receive emails regarding Healing Family patterns for updates on my work and to get my free reading list pdf of family healing books.

Book a Session with Me

Mindful Menopause/Wild Women

LIsten to podcast

I am seeing a lot of women who are walking around hot sweatly, thinning hair, tired and at their wit's end.  This is the role of the Menopause.

The situation though is that this could be one of the most creative times of a woman’s life but many women are experiencing severe discomfort with the Menopause. I wonder if the level of discomfort during the change has to do with many women trying to function in this very Patriarchal and aggressive western world. Being Peri menopausal I only have symptoms when I am doubting myself or processing a pattern or belief that is familial, and my symptoms come up in the form of heat disappear within in a minute . Fuzzy thinking does happen to me at times, but only comes when I am feeling stressed (which is infrequent because I have a no-nonsense attitude in my life to bullshit and ‘settling‘ in challenging relationships, jobs and friendships). 

So the best option for anybody during this time is to chill out, be present, and stop running on the treadmill because this is a time of rebirth, you are now setting a new path for yourself. This is the time the Body Computer is opening up to becoming Sovereign. (another post on that later) 

Your body is becoming rich with wisdom, and authenticity, but patriarchy states that you are an angry woman on the edge (I believe that is the view of Western / White Male’s patriarchal belief system that wants women to be subservient and well behaved, whilst they desire the women who is full of passion and fire).  Menopause is a time for women to own and understand they have the answers and access to complimentary methods that does work.

woman looking at the window.jpg

How to navigate the next stage of your life during the Menopause.

I have included a few points to help you on your journey, do not forget to subscribe to my email here so that I can send you the Womb Wisdom free PDF with some more resources on this subject.

  • Be wild, be raw, be truthful, but honour your spirit , and listen to the Triple Goddess ( Intuition) Live as a fully powerful woman in control and acceptance of all her moods.

  • As I type this powerful download I feel my ovaries stirring after a dormant time.  Never in my life have I feel so activated whilst writing. Our body responds to our internal dialogue and external environment so that we can navigate our life accordingly.

  • Love yourself even through your bad days, because your emotions it will work with you in the best way possible.

  • Take that class, change your jobs (yes) and reconsider those toxic relationships.

  • Read up on menopause one place to start is Dr Christian Northrup’s book The Wisdom of Menopause.  There is also a great interview with her and Dr Kelly Brogan MD   click here

And Finally….


Work with me, your Spiritual Doula.

I want to invite you to work with me during this powerful time of transition and insight. My Creative Healing Method programme will create a full blueprint for you at this next stage of your life. Consider this a reinvention of your life.

Healing and Herbs.

Healing sessions for women.

I am now working alongside a herbalist for a limited time for my Womb Healing, and Coaching sessions. 

I was asked by Herbalist Sophia to sit in my sessions so that she could observe the practice of an established therapist.   I jumped at the chance of working with a Herbalist because of my own love of herbs and secondly, the effect herbs have on the body especially the Uterus and general health of women.  I also feel the energy of two therapists will enhance the healing within a much quicker timeline.

Healing the womb is a revolutionary act.

Taking time for womb healing automatically makes one feel whole again and able to deal with the stresses of life. 

My Womb healing sessions will enable you to have more control over any Gynaecological conditions you are currently experiencing. I cannot create miracles (well according to my clients I can), but I can get you to feel, sleep and think better about your health and your body.


The Creative Healing Method Coaching programme  
will help you heal from that breakup or give you the confidence to set up that business or connect to your intuition?  This programme will bring more clarity and help you set good boundaries which is always weaker when we are experiencing womb issues.  
(basically, it is going from 1 to 20 in a short space of time). 

Don't take my word for it here are some examples.

R wanted to travel, feel more connected within her self after nine months of the creative healing method she travelled to an exotic location and is now more in her power.

J, wanted more connection and confidence, more boundaries and within six months she felt much clearer and secure in her emotions.  After a year working with me, J was able to set boundaries within several relationships and establish a self-care plan for herself that managed her anxiety levels. 

B had a chronic womb issue which has improved within three months.     
Lastly, T was feeling very isolated and within 6 months she had a job, her own space and is in the process of expanding her life's work and offer.

If any of this speaks to you then book a discovery call with me.

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Marilyn x 

2018 in Review


All I can say about 2018 is that you Kicked my arse I totally jumped off the cliff to support myself a 100 percent

My spa dates were cancelled, my clothes were recycled and I did not purchase any new shoes in 2019 which meant I consumed very little and my cash went back into my marketing and business.

After my Dad passed over in 2017 and my brother in law six months earlier, I focused on working and making money for others. As soon as 2018 hit I entered a new relationship - with myself.

From the beginning of 2018 I vowed to concentrate on myself (so no love interest with Musicians, Artist, or Poets (apparently according to Liz Green I am the proverbial troubadour so I needed to experience my lament and love by myself and for myself),

It is so interesting in cyber world we talk about ‘Self Love’ but, self Love like any relationship takes work as there is still compromises, and decisions to be made so that one can balance work and life.

In relationships there was a struggle to balance time between my partner and friends, in relationship to self this is still a challenge. I was totally immersed in myself and the joy I felt being in this zone of pure bliss. I now understand how I love because I gave myself that total unconditional love, so now moving forward I need to cater to three groups of humans, myself, my partner and my circle.

During this time I was also aware of the difference between hiding/withdrawing from the world and loving myself, eating, going out dinning and walking for oneself and with oneself, I was running towards my self love not away from the world.

Surrender : mjfontaine

Surrender : mjfontaine

I went to events and concerts, walked, ate in restaurants, all by my self (cue the music) and at times I felt a slight pang but that was my head and conditioning, my heart was fun and having fun.

I never knew this type of bliss existed. - communion with the Creator my creativity flourished also.

My work became deeper and thick with authenticity and transparency. I re discovered places in my business that I neglected and threw money at so I could not deal with those areas. The reduction of funds also made me realise how much I used money as a way to put a band aid on issues that challenged my self worth and confidence, This clarity of my life situation enabled me to look at my business, my boundaries and my worth. How many times do we make a business decision based upon validation? It is surprising how Social media totally dictates how entrepreneurs actually portray themselves online at the cost to their business model.

Since walking my own path and setting a better strategy I got real and practical, learned, applied the steps but checked with my heart to see if the steps were congruent with my values. Where there was confusion I asked the adult part of myself to apply a practical solutions.

Stuff just go more real and I am actually running a proper business MA!

My clients increased, more sales of my products and more engagement,

There are more surprises coming in 2019 which is totally gonna switch up my work.

First I had to check in with my partner - Myself.

Have a great 2019 please see my next post that will have the review questions of 2018

Marilyn x

The Tao of the Dark Tunnel


The Tao of the dark tunnel

I can be pretty adventurous and other times I can be a deer in headlights (this is rare for me as I am a Leo) but when this dastardly affliction hits me it can have a great impact on my life!

Think embarrassing ex-boyfriends, bad jobs, impulse buying "the offer ends at midnight” all very time consuming and sometimes painful... I say it's better to make mistakes than have regrets because mistakes are better when they come from desire not fear. (Disclaimer this does not include infidelity or other untoward desires there is no wisdom in the mistake of breaking hearts or addiction)

However there is nothing more paralyzing than fear of a possible outcome such as losing a contract, or making the right decision regarding ones career or running out of petrol whilst one is in the Blackwell tunnel!

The Blackwell tunnel

The Blackwell tunnel is 4,125 feet long.

I have a new car so I didn't really know the the amount of petrol one has in a reserve tank!

The scene

I am driving south of the river and all of a sudden, I am in the tunnel and the petrol light comes on. I am horrified I never go into a tunnel without petrol because well it's dangerous and irresponsible, and I am also very claustrophobic in tunnels!!!

Anyway the day before I was asking a client about her fear and how it affects our choices. So to make an example of myself (I like to practice what I preach). I decided to test the emotional responses to fear

So as the panic and negative self-talk set in I decided to ask myself

What part of me is fearful, where is it located?

What is the wise intuitive part of me saying and what is it saying? Where is it located in my body?

believe me everything slows down especially if your practising deep breathing to calm yourself down

After practising the questions and dialogue the journey through the tunnel was the quickest journey I ever had....

For the key was slowing down and stepping away from the panic or fear by breathing (which we forget to do) also self-talk is a really good way of staying calm. The aim is to talk to yourself like you would talk to a dear friend. This is a good way of calming yourself down so don't beat up or hate on yourself doesn’t help the situation at all.

In my early twenties I suffered from panic attacks and during that time all rationality went out of the window however, a tool I used to get out of the panic state was to give myself positive and reassuring talks rather than run around and create more drama. There are times where the batons of support during fearful times have to be passed to my circle of care/friends/gypsy crew (that’s why it’s important to have good people around you).

The lesson of this journey is balance and being still in a crisis if you cannot do that find a way to get there as soon as you can.

What do you do to remain centred?


Podcast rebranding- The Candid Conversations show Episode 17 Shame.

The is the first episode of our Rebranded show now called The Candid Conversations show. 

Today I discuss Shame and Vulnerability and how it affects our daily lives, relationships, jobs and mental health.


Trigger warning ! This episode may bring up old feelings so I have included links that you visit and use for support.


Music by Rebbz

This episode is sponsered by Willique -Exceptional quality handbags available 


Anodea Judith - Chakras and Shame

Biodynamic Massage 

Alexander Lowen exercises. 

Grief Notes 2

I remember when I lost my friend in 2012 and a client did not want to see me because I was grieving. At the time I resigned myself to the fact that maybe I needed to heal myself and be right. But no my work and sessions do not function like that because I am not a Counsellor but since my father transitioned my work is more powerful, transforming and sometimes raw. I feel is the high level of transparency that allows me to just open and oh so present. That is what grief does it makes one so present that miracles can happen.






Grief notes

For the back story please see my last post.

Note 1

I realise I am still very much in shock and in grief, today I felt it. I don't really like to share how I feel on Social media  (well not facebook ) because it is personal or maybe it is because I can pretend it is not real.  I know well-wishers and empathic people will post because they care and are empathic but this will only make me cry more but the real truth is If I post about the grief then it becomes real that my Dad has left Earth, so I stay in limbo until I can breathe some more because every time I open up to the reality I feel my heart breaking. The pain of grief is unbearable, but this is normal this is grief and there is nothing I can do about it because in a moment I will be back to normal the door closed and the faucet closed again.



That is grief.



Please note this blog post was written days before the London incident on 3rd June 2017 and I believe these activities are needed more than ever.

London, I still love you

As I navigate my diary this month (in between my various business ventures, planning a vacation and just trying to refurbish my kitchen on a budget), I have decided to list the five things that are going to ignite my spirit and self- nourish my soul. Most of these activities are on London so if you are visiting London pay close attention because you can find some very cost effective activities that you can undertake here.

Mental healthdates.

The best way to build self -worth is to take yourself on a mental health or self-care date.  You don't have to fly solo on all of these activities but just once try attending an event on your own.  This will encourage your confidence and enable you to discover some new concepts and hobbies you may not have thought of before.

A woman with an interior life is much more magnetic and interesting because she is able to draw on support from within and requires less external interaction.  So I have curated 5 activities that may give you a sense of spirit. M x

1.  FILM Unbound Vision of the Black Feminine. - BFI SOUTHBANK

Following on from the BFI’s landmark BLACK STAR season last year, UNBOUND: VISIONS OF THE BLACK FEMININE, is a Sight & Sound Deep Focus season, showcasing films created by, and about, black women. This season will include the BFI re-release of Julie Dash’s seminal Daughters of the Dust (1991), which has been lovingly restored for its 25th anniversary. With the freedom to reflect their own lives, black women filmmakers pioneered their way to an extraordinary cinematic legacy.

If you have not watched a film solo then I suggest you treat yourself to a solo date, and this film festival will give you an opportunity to do so.  Alternatively choose a movie here and bring a good 'non-draining' friend who will help you maintain that good vibe and discussion after you have indulged in these thought-provoking films. 


2.  Somerset House Perfume - A Sensory Journey Through Contemporary Scent 21 June - 17 Sept 2017

Multi-sensory exhibition featuring ten extraordinary perfumes and their pioneering creators, who have radically changed our perceptions of fragrance over the last 20 years.


3.The Old Hamman & Spa - North London

The Old Hammam & Spa offers a variety of packages and treatments to suit each individual's needs. Whether you are looking for a gift or simply indulging yourself,

Enjoy a Turkish treat North of the River at this traditional Hammam. This is a cost effective way of experiencing this authentic spa treatment without leaving the country.


4. Sensational Butterflies - Natural History Museum

"The exhibition includes a kaleidoscope of colourful species ethically sourced from Central and South America, Africa and Asia"

Follow the trail through a tropical habitat of flowers, vines and foliage. As butterflies fly overhead, you'll pass chomping caterpillars, glistening chrysalises and busy feeding stations.



My own Solstice workshop June 24th June - This month join us to meditate and paint at my studio here in London.  This workshop covers Womb wisdom and the purpose of goal setting. CLICK HERE for more.

Let me know if there are any other events or self-care activities you plan to do.

If you have an event you would like me to include for July's 5 of the best please let me know.



Balancing Chakra course - The story so far

It is now week 5 of our course Balancing Chakras using Art and Aromatherapy and every lesson has been powerful ranging from gentle cradling energy to pure feminine energy.

This course has been a very j powerful journey all I can do is watch in awe of the magick that surrounds me.  There has been miracles along the way and this does not happen to everybody.   The commitment undertaken by women has been met with rewards by the universe, for example; for one particpant has renewedher belief in life, another has a job offer that suits her business and

The artwork that the participants have created has been phenomenal this week we create our own Oracle / Affirmation cards. 

But don't take my word for it see the pictures below and join us in June when we run the new course.





November 2016 (reflection).

I want to be as transparent as I can be because I am an in a process of shedding the old and moving into the new.

I am a big advocate of goddess practices but for the last 6 months my life, my mind and my time have been dedicated to my creative practice and my energy has been redirected, surrendering to a higher power.  I have always felt that I had to fight to maintain my feminine energy in this world, but surrendering to the sacredness of stillness, containment and devotion through my art practice has helped me through a very difficult time.

As women, we have our own wild natures and challenges to deal with and we try to maintain balance in a world that asks us to be so many things, mostly to others, ignoring our own needs.  In this caretaker, rescuing place we cannot soften and become open so we must go through another internal or spiritual death to shed our skin (often through adversity or loss) before we can function from this surrendered place.

When we meet our Spiritual energy, we connect with Kundalini or Shakti energy, and processes and habits are called to heal which is the death-rebirth cycle as described by author Clarissa Pinkola Estés in her book 'Women Who Run With The Wolves

Relationship with myself

As I let go and dived into my art Imet the Masculine force of direction and the Feminine force of creativity. The work produced created a very Mythical body of work.

I felt the divine feminine of spirit that transcended gender, culture and sexuality.

In a strange way, I felt sexless.

I realised I did not need my Jade Egg Taoist practice of Ten years* to feel my essence, so I put it away I chose to feel the heartbeat of my own connection to myself without the egg.

Eventually and thankfully, I returned to the practice, but my main connection is now tapping into creative essence through Creativity and meditation which informs other aspects of my life.

My self-imposed descent into the world of creation and spirit helped me return to meet my practice with a different level of connection to myself. Ironically, despite the external challenges I am now facing, I am choosing to be more in the world, to embrace the everyday mundane world as both a woman and an artist.

If you are in the process of 'Hatching' and you need navigating back into the world, then contact me or leave a comment below to see how I help you.

Projections : The Tao of Relationships Part 1

Act 1: “Dear Adam
I am bitter, not better, because I tasted a dream deferred, a failed flawed human a soured fruit masquerading as a muse” Yours Lillith
— mjfontaine2017

When a woman stands in her femininity without the need to be a man or compete with men she can experience a backlash of the Patriarchal fear if her male partner does not know how to love a soft and feminine woman. A fear enhanced due to the changing role of women right now, women are so independent and capable that the traditional role of the passive woman is obsolete.  This isn't a good or bad thing but, this capability has left women overworked and unable to function and men not knowing how to be.

This isn't a good or bad thing but, this capability has left women overworked and unable to function and me not knowing how to be.  Our duties along with our gender roles are not so defined so all sorts of judgements and self-defenses happen between both parties, hell breaks loose thus you have four people in a relationship - two plus the projections. 

The projections only serve to be the guardians of the programmes and behaviours constructed within the family/caregiver situation.   Programmes are the light that shines on the part of the soul that needs work.  Without projections or programmes in a relationship we can never go through the next stage, whatever that may be, we need to love and be loved through our projections, and problems for they help shape us.

Eventually. though we need to take our projections back and heal them.

Moving forward.

Coming together with other women sharing in a non-judgemental space where we can be accountable, self- awareness and progressive in terms of love will help us as women find more fulfilling relationships.  True healing and changes of behaviour can only happen where there is unconditional positive regard, compassion, empathy and transparency.  Accountability circles that exhibit the above is a space and community for healing for awareness and not judgement.  Circles are not relationship substitutes but a place where we can do better and be better so we can bring our best self to our personal and intimate connections.

if you are in London and would like to join with other women to start the journey of healing you and your relationships then join our Monthly women's group

Please comment below or share this post with somebody you think may need this.



In the spirit of recycling and sustainability I am showing my older Full Moon circle videos. These videos only talk about the basic planetary affects and not the confidential readings.

Because thereis much content available on the net I want to allow those who support my work access to some content that would otherwise be buried in the ether.  Thereforeevery month I will post basic information for you.

If you wish to be part of the circle which allows you to have full access to the Moon circle rituals and readings then please join our circle below.

Mental Health Awareness Day

Today is Mental Health Awareness day and according to World Health Organisation depression will be the leading illness globally by 2030. if we do not act to combat this disease.

In the UK we have 615 million people suffering from Anxiety and Depression and 1 in 4 people will experience one diagnose Mental health condition, statistics that are higher in Ethnic minorities.

So If we live in a society that caters to our every need why is it that Mental health especially in Young people and those from ethnic backgrounds are on the rise?

Well most answers point to our lifestyle, the breakdown of communities, debt, the breakdown of families, racism, sexism thatall contribute to our mental and emotional distress.

I have candidly explained my own struggle with anxiety as a young woman here

Every year there is a theme for Mental health awareness day and this year the theme is Psychological First aid, and the support people can provide to those in distress.

The World Health organisation has listed tips and ways to support and donate to this cause on their website

I have listed 5 tips on how to cope with Panic attacks and anxiety.

1.  Anxiety and Panic Attacks are normally about an underlying problem so the first step is finding a counsellor or therapist (through your GP or support group) that will help you work through any issues.

2. Exercise or yoga classes will help Anxiety and if your mind is racing then Astanga or Power Yoga will help you because of the active style will encourage you to focus on the postures that will occupy an anxious mind..

3. Complimentary therapies were invaluable to me and my clients when I worked as an Aromatherapist/Healer.  Oils that help Anxiety and depression such as Frankincense will encourages deeper breathing which is hell to somebody hyperventilating due to Anxiety.  

Frankincense - Great for relaxing and slowing your breath and calming the mind.

Geranium - Good for balancing and uplifting your mind.

Bergamot - One of the best oils for Depression (please be careful of sunlight).

Rose essential Oil -  A workshop participant who had severe depression used pure Rose essential oil and found this lifted the depression, excellent for grief also.

4.  The practice of mindfulness ; Being in the present can help, I use my art to help with anxiety or meditation.  Art journallingor working with colouring books can help.

5 The practice of gratitude - Listing small accomplishments of your day, week or life is said to help and improve your mental health.

We also have essential oil sets available in our store or join one of our workshops or courses.

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