Podcast rebranding- The Candid Conversations show Episode 17 Shame.

The is the first episode of our Rebranded show now called The Candid Conversations show. 

Today I discuss Shame and Vulnerability and how it affects our daily lives, relationships, jobs and mental health.


Trigger warning ! This episode may bring up old feelings so I have included links that you visit and use for support.


Music by Rebbz

This episode is sponsered by Willique -Exceptional quality handbags available 


Anodea Judith - Chakras and Shame

Biodynamic Massage 

Alexander Lowen exercises. 

Balancing Chakra course - The story so far

It is now week 5 of our course Balancing Chakras using Art and Aromatherapy and every lesson has been powerful ranging from gentle cradling energy to pure feminine energy.

This course has been a very j powerful journey all I can do is watch in awe of the magick that surrounds me.  There has been miracles along the way and this does not happen to everybody.   The commitment undertaken by women has been met with rewards by the universe, for example; for one particpant has renewedher belief in life, another has a job offer that suits her business and

The artwork that the participants have created has been phenomenal this week we create our own Oracle / Affirmation cards. 

But don't take my word for it see the pictures below and join us in June when we run the new course.





November 2016 (reflection).

I want to be as transparent as I can be because I am an in a process of shedding the old and moving into the new.

I am a big advocate of goddess practices but for the last 6 months my life, my mind and my time have been dedicated to my creative practice and my energy has been redirected, surrendering to a higher power.  I have always felt that I had to fight to maintain my feminine energy in this world, but surrendering to the sacredness of stillness, containment and devotion through my art practice has helped me through a very difficult time.

As women, we have our own wild natures and challenges to deal with and we try to maintain balance in a world that asks us to be so many things, mostly to others, ignoring our own needs.  In this caretaker, rescuing place we cannot soften and become open so we must go through another internal or spiritual death to shed our skin (often through adversity or loss) before we can function from this surrendered place.

When we meet our Spiritual energy, we connect with Kundalini or Shakti energy, and processes and habits are called to heal which is the death-rebirth cycle as described by author Clarissa Pinkola Estés in her book 'Women Who Run With The Wolves

Relationship with myself

As I let go and dived into my art Imet the Masculine force of direction and the Feminine force of creativity. The work produced created a very Mythical body of work.

I felt the divine feminine of spirit that transcended gender, culture and sexuality.

In a strange way, I felt sexless.

I realised I did not need my Jade Egg Taoist practice of Ten years* to feel my essence, so I put it away I chose to feel the heartbeat of my own connection to myself without the egg.

Eventually and thankfully, I returned to the practice, but my main connection is now tapping into creative essence through Creativity and meditation which informs other aspects of my life.

My self-imposed descent into the world of creation and spirit helped me return to meet my practice with a different level of connection to myself. Ironically, despite the external challenges I am now facing, I am choosing to be more in the world, to embrace the everyday mundane world as both a woman and an artist.

If you are in the process of 'Hatching' and you need navigating back into the world, then contact me or leave a comment below to see how I help you.



We are living in a world which supports stress, tension, racism, ageism and bigotry, and sometimes I just find it had to get my head around the way this society is run.  When it gets too much I find myself retreating to my creativity or my healing spiritual work to reconnect.

Healing Art : The Phoenix


Acrylic on hardboard.

I wasn't going to show this #workinprogress but as it is a full moon I wanted to share.  The face has changed since I took this photograph.  This paintingis influenced by the Nibiru story and this is the phoenix    " According to the Greek historian Herodotus (b: 484 BC), the phoenix was a mythical bird from Ethiopia. It was spectacularly large, beautiful and adorned with mind-blowing plumage. The historian also reported that the phoenix made a nest cypress branches. Rather preparing to lay eggs, the phoenix was preparing to die. While sitting in the nest, the bird created a great deal of heat, and set itself on fire from its own heat with the cypress serving as kindling. After three days, the phoenix emerged from its own ashes - reborn and released from the sentence of death, able to live on forever" source what is your sign

I am nowcreating a package for those suffering with Creative or physical burnout and this painting comes at a time when rebirth is needed for those who have given a lot and need rejuvenation it is now time.