
When I realised I was fearless

(I was fronting)

(On being fearlessly courageous (part 1)

This past weekend I participated in Open artist studios in South London and I was fronting!

I thought I was ok until I spoke with a fellow artist (who at the age of 60 decided to take up painting), I realised that I was terrified of how the visitors would respond to my work.

I have had my first solo show back in March, however this was from the requests of people who I knew admired my work, and not complete strangers.  I realised I cover up my fears with being busy and I hardly acknowledge that little girl inside, who is often very fearful and vulnerable. 
So as it was a New Moon and I am letting go, I decided to drop the mask and I let my vulnerable self and my work be seen to the public.  Being vulnerable is something that was not really celebrated in my childhood home; vulnerability and mistakes ( for various reasons mainly due to time, money and culture) so I just got on with it.  This weekend I gave myself permission to be this way and I allowed myself to receive feedback about my work as long as it was constructive. 

The weekend was filled with a lot of love and appreciation for my work.  However the real shift was thatI did it! I became fearless through my own self-awareness, care and vulnerability.
If you want to connect with your inner self and become more fearless then sign up for my Self care bundle package   /

Marilyn x

Healing Art : The Phoenix


Acrylic on hardboard.

I wasn't going to show this #workinprogress but as it is a full moon I wanted to share.  The face has changed since I took this photograph.  This paintingis influenced by the Nibiru story and this is the phoenix    " According to the Greek historian Herodotus (b: 484 BC), the phoenix was a mythical bird from Ethiopia. It was spectacularly large, beautiful and adorned with mind-blowing plumage. The historian also reported that the phoenix made a nest cypress branches. Rather preparing to lay eggs, the phoenix was preparing to die. While sitting in the nest, the bird created a great deal of heat, and set itself on fire from its own heat with the cypress serving as kindling. After three days, the phoenix emerged from its own ashes - reborn and released from the sentence of death, able to live on forever" source what is your sign

I am nowcreating a package for those suffering with Creative or physical burnout and this painting comes at a time when rebirth is needed for those who have given a lot and need rejuvenation it is now time.