What does Creativity mean to you (Repost from 2001


I was thinking about this when I came across a sister's blog (great minds think
alike artist4eva). So many people try to define an artist, creativity, art forms etc,
by placing rules and assumptions about the artist/artform/medium/project/ideas.
Is this societys way of keep us boxed in the land of category and rules
according to their values?
I hate the word 'should' (unless youre taking about a nice pair of shoes,
chocolate and food).
I also feel uncomfortable with specific individuals and organizations that
dismiss creative work if it doesn't fit into the; Hoxton, Greenwich, Edgy, Urban,
Eclectic and Cutting Edge style categories. Don't get me wrong I love new
interesting concepts, and ideas, but I feel that too much emphasis on the defining
creativity keeps many more potential 'creatives' away from practising any art
form, or taking their natural talents further, very sad.
Many moons ago when I was studying Art and Design, my ageing balding
tutor (who was also an ageing balding frustrated fine artist) absolutely tore us to
pieces during critics (maybe we were that bad). Anyway Baldy had peeps
running for the hills never to be seen again, due to the barrage of abuse he gave
us at the end of each lesson, disguised at Constructive Criticism.
The hill runners may never have been great artists, but they could have used
their creativity in some other way to manage the stressed/out tired/ bored/
Reality Overdose existence we call life.
ps. I found this from talentdevelopment.com via Oprah.com and I think this is
quite interesting. Please let me know what you think. ..
Rant over now where is that chocolate..........
Creativity questionnaire
Creativity isn't reserved for artists and inventors -- it's a capacity we all share.
For some, it's a desire for self-expression; for others, a drive to explore
Genius isn't essential, just curiosity and an open mind. The fruit of creativity
self-discovery. Find a quiet spot and consider these questions:
1 There are many kinds of artists. Are you an artist of life -- an inspired cook,
a master of diplomacy, a stylish dresser? Write down all the ways you bring
beauty,harmony, or flair to your surroundings.
2 What art form would you try if you didn't care about results or your
Think back to childhood: Did you enjoy ballet class or banging on a drum?
How could you reconnect with that sense of fun?
3 Creative people are problem solvers. If you could clear up any issue in the
world --
or your world -- what would it be? What would be your first step?
4 Is your talent appreciating the creative efforts of others? What do you most
looking at or listening to? Would you enjoy it even more if you tried to
the artistic process firsthand?
5 Envy is a message from your creative core. Whose talent would you like to
How could you develop your own ability in that area?

<< from O, The Oprah Magazine, November, 2001
Permalink: http://creativehealinggoddess.blogspot.com.es/2007/03/what-doescreativity-